DIY Pet First-Aid Kit
Use this kit in an emergency until
your veterinarian can take over
Here’s What You’ll Need:
1) Phone number, clinic name, address of your
veterinarian PLUS
contact info
for local veterinary emergency clinics
2) Absorbent gauze pads
3) Adhesive tape
4) Cotton balls or swabs
5) Fresh 3% hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting
check with veterinarian or animal poison control expert before giving to your
6) Ice pack
7) Disposable gloves
8) Scissors with blunt end PLUS tweezers
9) Over-the-counter antibiotic ointment
10) Liquid dishwashing detergent for bathing PLUS
11) Small flashlight
12) Oral syringe or kitchen baster
13) Alcohol wipes
14) Styptic powder
15) Saline eye solution PLUS artificial tear gel