This one is for Mikey
Wednesday, May 15, 2024It's been 730 days since he left here
Thursday, February 16, 2023Right here with me
Saturday, January 1, 2022
Finding my balance

One Last Kiss
Monday, September 13, 2021
After bringing Mikey home on the night he died, it was dark and I was glad that I didn't have to bury him yet.
Bob said he would dig the hole when he got off work the following day, he got off early.
This still gave me more time to try and wrap my head around all of this.
I had placed Mikey in his booster seat which is right next to my bed.
(My mattress is directly on the floor because of Mikey's arthritis, it made it easier for him to get up onto the bed.)
I remember falling aseep with my hand on him, I didn't want to miss one second of the time we had left in this physical world, I knew, I would never have another chance to touch him again.
He was cold and I kept adjusting his blanket like that would make a difference somehow.
My brain was in such shock that night, I'm sure most of the things I did would make little sense to the outside world.
I remember not sleeping much that night, waking up many times, praying each time for it all to be a dream but then feeling his coldness would bring me back.
My dreams were so wild that night, I kept dreaming about me running with Mikey, we just kept running, I don't know where we were going but we were running so fast.
I woud wake up and feel scared.
The following morning just felt like dread, I knew what was coming.
It took me most of the morning to gather stuff for his burial pod. I talked to him the whole time and watched as each of my cats made their way into our bedroom to say their goodbyes.
Even though, I was gathering his things for burial, I was still in denial a bit, protecting myself from what was about to happen.
I couldn't have him cremated, I just couldn't but the thought of of putting him in the ground was making me physically sick.
I remember opening and shutting his pod 20 times for one more kiss.
By the time Bob got home and dug the hole, I thought I was as ready as I could be.
As we headed to his gravesite, I carried him in his pod but my legs felt so weak, it was the longest shortest walk I have ever taken.
I asked Bob to lower him into the grave and Haley and I watched as the music began to fade.
I totally lost it.
I'm serious, like a little kid, I was stomping my feet and crying and screaming no!
Please no.
Haley was holding me up, otherwise I would have fallen. She just kept squeezing me tighter.
I thought I would want to stay there by his grave for longer but I didnt, I just wanted to sleep.
I can see his grave from my bedroom window but he is no longer there, I feel him now everywhere else, in our room, in the kitchen outside in the garden, he is all over this place because I am.
It's taken these past months to put it all into perspective, losing Mikey has been so sad but at the same time, it has been so beautiful.
The outpouring of love after his death and even now has been so incredible.
To know that his story has touched so many people is actually keeping him alive for me.
He has taught me that even death cannot take from us what we share with one another.
His memory is so alive within me every single day.
Nothing can take away all the times he has been there for me and he can still be here for me even now and he is because love never dies.
Even in death, he still teaches me.
Models are Mikey and his Mom (me)
Our last cuddle
I'm not me without him
Monday, May 3, 2021This has been so difficult for me.
I know he was 18 years old and he lived a long life but I suck here without him.
We were always together no matter what.
Im trying.
He has some of the most amazing followers over on Mikey's Cat House
and everywhere really, people from all over.
I feel so fortunate to have so many of you love him so much.
Mikey pretty much died from old age, there was no specific illness that took his life, he just stopped eating.
He had had all the best medical care, I even switched him to a geriatric specialist.
Wr tried all sorts of stuff and ran all the tests but in the end his body just shut down.
I took him in to be put to rest and his heart stopped after they gave him the sedative.
It was peaceful but it was awful.
Im doing the best I can to pick up the pieces but I dont know....
I just miss him.
We have never been apart this long. 😔
I will still be posting stories and photos of Mikey here and in his Facebook Group Mikey's Cat House.
Friday, February 19, 2021
I will post more later but for now I need a minute.
18 of the most beautiful years.
Mitsi Passed Away
Wednesday, April 1, 2020She has been mostly out of it all the time. We did have our times though each day when she would be all lovey.