I feel like I focus too much on the negative acts of mankind. LOL For real though.
Animal abuse and neglect are two of the worst things in this entire world to me. I am not the kind of person who has the ability to just look away. That would be impossible to me if I thought an animal needed my help. I would do the same for a person too of course, anyone who is alive and breathing, animal or person would get my attention. I say that because there are people out there that automatically think that because a person is FOR animal rights, it's like they can't be for human rights also. I am for both. LOL
And right now I want to turn your attention to some Humans that always go that extra mile for people and for animals....Firefighters.
Today I was surfin' the net and came across an image that gave me the idea for this post, it was a firefighter saving a cat in Moore, Ok after the tornado.
I have to say, this warmed my heart so much and when I went looking for more images I couldn't believe how many I found, this flippin made my day. The fact that these guys and gals risk their lives everyday for us has always made me proud but today, I have even more respect for these incredible people who serve our communities.
I think for most people who share their lives with animals, it's safe to say that they share their hearts with them as well. Our animals mean a great deal to us, sometimes, they are even like children to us. The fact that Firefighters know this and do everything they can to save our little friends is amazing. They risk their lives for ALL of our family members.
So here are few of the most incredible photos I could find today on Firefighters saving Cats. I will do a Dog one too so no worries. LOL
Mikey said we have to do the cats first and well, it's his house ya know. LOL
I think we all have a Hero in these beautiful human beings.
Excuse me while I go get some Kleenex. :)